Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fragile X

What Is Fragile X

Fragile X is the most common inherited form of mental retardation. It results from a change,or mutation, in a single gene. And if a family member had Fragile X it woul be possible to pass it on from generation to generation.


It occurs when the mutated gene cannot produce enough of a protein that the body cells need, and by this I mean brain cells. But the mosst noticable symptom is intellegence.

Extra Facts

Males with Fragile X have a IQ of 75 or below, but differs from females. Some females have metal impairment, learning disabilities, and some have a normal IQ. Characteristics of people with Fragile X have large  ears and long faces. Also problems with sensations, emotions, in speech, language, and physical.


No cure for Fragile X at this time. But treatments are usedto reduce symptoms. Treatments for childern that recieve the proper education needed. Medication options, and theraputic options. These are treatments that help victums of Fragile X and help them trough life as the move on from child to adult or vice versa.

Genes and People Effected by Fragile X (estimates)

The name of the mutated gene is FMR1.
These are the estimates of males with Fragile X

  • 3,500 to 8, 900 males are affected by full mutation of the gene.

  • 1 to 1000 are effected by premutation.
These are the estimates of females with Fragile X

  • 1 in 250 to 500 females are affected by premutation.
  • 1 to 4000 females affected by full mutation.

Adults With Fragile X

With proper treatment and education people with Fragile X can live on their own and hold and maintain a job. This is the foundations to treat and help people with Fragile X

Links :
I didn't Plagerise (if this is how u spell it)

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