Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blog Post 1

I found Pluto to be interesting because it's considered one of the smallest planet's we know today or a dwarf planet.Pluto is real far away from the sun where it gets really no heat what so ever. Pluto is made of gases like helium and hydrogen. which it can't support human life.

Asteroid Belt
The asteroid belt is a big ring or belt of asteroids. Asteroid's can differ in size from big tpo small. If they were to hit they would be knocked far away, or they would just collide with each other.

Apollo's Mission
The mission was to the moon and descover diffrent rocks and  to get samples.

Search for Aliens
Right now we are searching for aliens as we speak. We believe that planets with liquid water( not including earth) support alien life underneath the suface. But people say aliens come from Mars.

International Space Station
This space station cooperates with all tyhe diffrent nations. And they work together to discover diffrent characterisics of the planets.

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